How a CEO Deals With Challenges
How a CEO Deals With Challenges

There is no doubt that the advancement of technology in the 21st century has made the workload and challenges for a CEO quite easy and manageable, but still, there are high levels of pressure and stress that a CEO has to bear and deal with, especially when you are a mentor for youth.
Being a successful leader of finance and leasing software tech giant, NETSOL, demands absolute dedication, devotion, and enthusiasm so that things keep running with efficiency. Complications and obstacles are faced on daily basis, like, is the organization recruiting specialized and effective manpower? Is the ROI up to mark? Are the investors satisfied? Are predictive analytics positive and optimistic? Are the sales target on point? Or are the NETSOLIANS satisfied and motivated to give their utmost productivity?
To deal with such types of barriers, the application of Motivation and Implementation is the primary initiative required. Keeping myself motivated and alive is my necessity as if any challenge has commenced, rather than getting dispirited, I start working on its potential solutions and implement the strategies that could pave me and NETSOL out of any dire situation. To achieve motivation, one needs a perfect schedule, punctuality, and an established routine in daily life.
Emotional Intelligence is another prime factor that helps me to deal matters through appropriate response, which varies in every certain situation. My conscious intellect assisted me to diffuse numerous events of conflict that could put my company’s reputation at stake, but handling stress in those critical moments helped me gain control over my emotions and boosted my confidence level with time.
Another essential attribute is being able to make decisions with own personal gut feeling. Working with fortune 500 companies’ objectives was unthinkable for me if I disregarded and neglected my tech instinct and went along with others’ opinions. Along with that, my gut feeling also assisted me in facing different natures of challenges with optimism, which aided in formulating solutions in the best possible version so that situations are solved rather than delayed.
My flexible leadership style has helped me a lot to achieve my objectives, as restricted to one or two leadership methods does not extract the same best result every time. In this era of digital transformation, I have applied more than one leadership technique so that NETSOL Technologies does not lag behind the software advancement and could maintain its rank in the IT industry. Moreover, the mixed nature of leadership also helped me to become a desirable mentor for NETSOLIANS.
While one last fact that I learned from the past is to always be acceptable to change and innovation, a resistance to change will cause challenges to grow and make your aspiration even harder to achieve.